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Memorial Battle of the Books team places 15th in state competition

Posted on: April 9, 2018

Congratulations to Memorial Middle School’s Oregon Battle of the Books team, Dumbleldore’s Army. The team placed 15th out of approximately 250 teams statewide at the state competition in Salem last week.

Pictured (from left) are Dru Huddleston, Tori Thorp, Sachi Wrigley, Maddie Wang and center, Izzy Harwood.


New Anti-Bullying Task Force yields recommendations

Posted on: April 8, 2018

Last month, the district’s new Anti-Bullying Task Force presented recommendations to the School Board.

The task force, which is comprised of GAPS staff, parents, and community partners, has had two community forums. At the first forum, a definition of bullying was presented, along with various statistics and facts related to bullying and its effects on students. The group also began to look at the scope of bullying in our community, both at the school level and in the community at large.

At the second forum, the Task Force formulated concrete suggestions for the school Board to consider to address the problem.

The forums yielded recommendations for improvements to school climate that included curriculum and behavioral supports to improve school climate; new rules and policies to prevent bullying and education about policies and consequences; staff training in bullying prevention; and programs to improve coordinated prevention efforts.

Anti-Bullying Task Force Recommendations to the Board

Read the story in the Democrat-Herald

Attention students: Submit art for character education poster contest

Posted on: April 2, 2018

The annual Character Education poster contest is accepting art submissions from students in grades K-12 through April 20. Original art can be no larger than 8.5″ x 11″ in any medium and must address at least one of the following character traits: personal responsibility, honesty and integrity, self-discipline, courage, social responsibility, kindness, respect, justice.

Students can submit artwork to a staff member at their school. All submissions will be displayed at the main branch of the Albany Public Library. Winners will a frame for their art and a poster of all winning art.

See the flyer

AOS and Timber Ridge earn top honors for iRun participation

Posted on: March 19, 2018

The annual fun run to support the Albany Public Schools Foundation was last weekend and schools competed to turn out the most participants. Congratulations for Albany Options and Timber Ridge for bringing the most runners!

The following thank you is from APSF Executive Director Aimee Addison:

Thank you for helping make this the best iRun for Kids ever! We had 737 registrations and 671 runners. Last year we were at 626.

The winners for the 2018 iRun for Kids school contest are:

  • 1st place with 55% participation: AOS – $500 cash prize
  • 2nd place with 28% participation: Timber Ridge – Dutch Bros. party
  • The 3rd place runner up was Memorial MS at 15% / 86 participants.

A huge thank you to all of the schools that participated! We really appreciate all of your hard work in promoting iRun for Kids and supporting the Albany Public Schools Foundation. The proceeds from this benefit the Foundation and our programs including classroom grants for teachers, elementary and middle school enrichment, Sources of Strength and scholarships for graduating seniors.


Timber Ridge School iRun participants.